Italian companies are increasingly attentive to the sustainability of palm oil used in various industrial uses. With 236 members, in fact, Italy is the 5th country in the world and the 3rd in Europe for the number of companies associated with Rspo (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), which are committed to using sustainable palm oil. The sector mainly represented is the food industry, to which is added a growing number of cosmetics, detergents and companies that use palm oil or palm kernel derivatives for technical uses: 15 out of 25, equal to 60% in fact, the new partners RSPO will activate these sectors in 2021. On the other hand, commitments are still insufficient in other important sectors such as feed and out-of-home consumption, which are well underway in countries such as Great Britain and the Netherlands.
This is the state of the art of the commitment of palm oil in our country according to the data collected annually in the Acop report (Annual Communication of Progress) by Rspo, an organization that brings together producers, distributors, retailers, investors and non-governmental organizations, defining specific principles and criteria for sustainable production and traceable use of globally certified palm oil.
In our country there are already 87 companies that have applied for the use of the RSPO brand for their corporate or product communications, on the Italian market but also abroad, supporting consumers towards responsible consumption.
“Companies that have chosen sustainable procurement support consumers in making informed choices. Palm crops produce 4 to 10 times more oil than other plantations: an intensive production of other vegetable oils would therefore have a negative environmental impact in terms of land use and deforestation”, comments Francesca Morgante, Market Development Manager for the Rspo Europe.
“A certified plantation complies with a whole series of environmental and social requirements which result in a 35% lower impact on global warming and 20% lower impact on biodiversity loss than conventional productions. These virtuous companies from both producing and consuming countries such as Italy must be recognized for a great system effort that produces important structural effects”.
By EFA News
Original Link: https://www.efanews.eu/item/21227-sustainable-palm-oil-top-italian-companies.html